Chef Olvin's Pork Chops — Las Cascadas Lodge

Chef Olvin's Pork Chops

Pork Chops Are Amazing!

Chef Olvin scoured his recipe tablet for a taste of Honduras most folks could cook at home.

Olvin's Famous Pork Chops:

(makes enough marinade for 10 chops)

The Marinade

  • 5 cloves fresh garlic

  • 1/2 medium yellow onion

  • 1 medium tomato

  • 1/2 beer Salva Vida*

  • salt and pepper

  • 3 chicken bouillon cubes

Blend to smooth and marinade the chops for 30min.

Grill to desire finish and Enjoy!
*substitute a lightly colored ale

Enjoy the recipe and barbecue fun!

Meals at Las Cascadas Lodge

Certainly one of the most important parts of any vacation is the food. The meals at Las Cascadas Lodge match the quality of the hotel inside and out! We shop just before guests arrive to always make sure people are getting the very best local fruits and vegetables. 

The crew at Cascadas frequents up to 10 spots for purchasing the freshest ingredients! There’s a very nice fish market in the nearby city of La Ceiba. We also offer delicious vegan and vegetarian meals!

Chef Olvin

Chef Olvin

Certain open markets in town have the nicest papayas, while others might have the best avocados or melons.

We take pride in closely inspecting everything sourced that goes into the food we serve and love shopping for your stay!
In addition to breakfast, lunch, and dinner we serve snacks, local fruit juices, and great desserts! 

The Chef offers in room dining for a more romantic occasion. Each of the suites and the cabin have tables for two facing the lower falls on the verandas.


Weather you are diving around Roatan, or somewhere further you do not want to miss this incredible all inclusive boutique hotel and the amazing meals we serve!

Click the button below to book online or
CONTACT US with questions.
